Thursday, January 15, 2009


We have heat people! That's right, we are no longer able to see our own breath in our house. Alright, well it never got that bad, but you get the idea.
My dad was very nice and offered to come be at our house yesterday so the heating guys could come over and fix our furnace. So last night we came home to a warm house and it felt wonderful, I even got hot when I came back from my walk. Heat is a beautiful thing I tell you. So, nobody needs to worry about calling the parent police on us, Bria will be coming home to a warm environment.


Emilie said...

Glad you have heat... when my heat wasnt working, it was horrible. . . glad you are warm!

So to fix your email... go to your dashboard, and on the left next to your profile picture, click on edit profile. Then scroll down to "identity" and where is says email address. . . type yours in.

I think that will solve the problem... :)

Shannon said...

Im so glad you have heat, thats great news!

Lindsay said...

YAY!! That was so sweet of your dad.

Julia said...

Yippee!! I can't imagine going for that long without heat! You are a trooper. I went over to your baby blog and I have to say your belly is darling! Not a stretch mark in site. You are so organized. Do you have a nursery started for her yet? I would love to see pictures. Take care of yourself in these last weeks. Once the baby comes you are put on the back burner and baby comes first. So, sleep, eat, and rest while you can! You look fantastic and I am so excited for you guys.

Molly said...

Yeah for warmth!

Kristin said...

Oh I am so happy for you...yay heat!:)