Friday, February 13, 2009


So a few weeks ago we went to the hospital to meet with the maternity care coordinator. We were extra early because we don't like being late (hear that Bria!) so we sat down in the lobby and started working on the puzzle they had there. This is where I learned something new about Brian. We've known each other for 8 years so I assumed I knew all his likes and dislikes, but apparently not. He loves puzzles, loves them. How did I not know this? Anyway, we had a lot of fun putting together the puzzle and decided we needed to go get our own to work on at home. And we did just that.

Here is the picture of the puzzle on the box, it was a thousand piece puzzle:We finished it in 2 days, it was pretty much our Friday night and Saturday one weekend:
We seriously had so much fun putting it together, who knew $3.99 could bring us so much entertainment? We just purchased another thousand piece puzzle and then I think we'll move up to the 1500 piece ones. You may think we are dorky, but we are dorks who have fun.


L said...

So much fuN! I want to go out & get a puzzle asap now:)

The Beavers said...

I swear we are sisters at heart...Cass and I did a puzzle about a week before I had joke!! We should someday be neighbors and do these fun things and raise our kids together!!

Shannon said...

Dan and I also love puzzles It is fun to work on them together and actually accomplish something. So I guess that makes us dorks, too :)

Carly said...

i think that is an adorable thing to do together- I may try to get E to try with me

Robyn Baird said...

Mom and Rod used to spend hours doing puzzles too! :)

Anonymous said...

Just don't let MJ eat a piece...I remember one of our puzzles where Mickey decided to indulge and of course we did not know until we had completed it...minus the one piece! ;)