Wednesday, February 18, 2009

At home

Well, it's my 3rd day staying at home and I can honestly say I like it. Although I have to admit it's a bit more unsettling than I thought it was going to be, I mean I've had a job for so long it feels weird to just be at home. I guess I just pictured Bria being here to keep me busy :)
So far I have done laundry, gone grocery shopping, taken naps, gone out to lunch, cleaned, filed, drove to the fire station for a car seat installation demo, and walked. I don't have a ton more to clean and organize so let's hope Bria comes soon. 

Brian has had very long days at work this week and doesn't get home until after 7 pm :( He's pretty tired so I'm hoping soon his days become a little shorter. Long work days and homework make for a very exhausted Brian, although he still is a good sport and doesn't complain. It would just be nice to spend more time together.

I know that is a short update but there is not a lot going on here besides praying for Bria to make her debut, please feel free to join in those prayers! 


Emilie said...

Sounds like you are being productive and getting lots of things done before Bria comes!

Enjoy the quiet... and the naps!

I hope she comes soon, I can't wait to see LOTS Of pictures. :)

Molly said...

I'm so excited for you!