Friday, August 01, 2008

Pick 'em up!

I learned something new about my husband last week, on our way to the airport to fly to Arizona. He decided the best time to share this information was in front of my sister and brother-in-law.

Brian: So I picked up this hitch hiker the other morning (insert eyeroll from me because I assumed he was kidding) and he was telling me this interesting story....blah blah blah.

Me: Are you being serious, you picked up a hitch hiker (starting to believe him but not wanting to be gullible)?

Brian: (nonchalant) yeah, I do it all the time.

Me: WHAT?!

Brian: What's the big deal, I give them money too. It's not like they are homeless, they are just hippy's trying to get across the country.

Me: Are you kidding me with this? You pick up complete strangers, put them in MY bug and then give them money?! Are you nuts, don't you know that's dangerous?!

Jenny: To be fair, I don't think it's really dangerous for BRIAN to pick up hitch hikers (goes back to laughing at us with Kyle).

Me: I can't believe you are telling me this brand new information in front of people, I feel like I don't even know you (being melodramatic because well, that's me).

We compromised, he can continue to pick up hitch hikers but needs to stop giving them money. Oh boy, the things I learn about him.

What are your thoughts on hitch hikers?


Robyn Baird said...

Okay so IF Brian isn't pulling your leg I think it's very noble of him. I wouldn't do it of course. ;)

Cala said...

Julia and I did it ONCE in Woodburn, but NEVER again, it scared the CRAP out of me!!!!

Kari said...

I'm so with you. I am NOT into picking up hitch hikers. Problem is, my hubby's done it before. Can you believe that? Seriously, what decade did he grow up in? Obviously not mine!

ALC Wedding Photography said...

hahaha too funny! i like the compromise though...

Kris and MaLanie said...

I would never pick up a hitchhiker!! That's way too scary!! I totally would've reacted the same way as you. By the way, we move to Oregon next week. We will be there by Wednesday!! :)