Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Closing a chapter

Yesterday was a significant day, it was the day I took out my belly button ring. It's time to move on and close that chapter of my life. You may be thinking, "Really. You're getting sentimental over a belly button ring?" The answer my friend is yes I am. I've had that ring for 10 years and I still remember the day my mom finally said I could get it. Let's go back in time, shall we:

When Jenny turned 16 (or was it 15 sis, I can't remember) she was allowed to get her belly button pierced. Oh my was I jealous! I thought it was the coolest thing ever, pretty much anything she did I thought was cool and wanted to copy. She was just walkin' around, with a hoop in her belly button and I was in awe. I knew I HAD to get one, and now I had leverage because Jenny got one, so it's only fair that I get one at that age.
I waited patiently (right, when have I ever been patient?) and believe at 15 started begging for one. My mom was like no way. So I pulled out the, "But Jenny got one," in my whiniest voice. As my 16th birthday neared it was not looking good and I was MAD to say the least. My mom still wasn't budging on the issue and I could not believe it. It was so not FAIR.
For my 16th birthday my friends sent me on a scavenger hunt and drove me around. I remember having a lot of fun riding around with my friends and guessing the clues. The last clue puzzled me though, and I couldn't figure out what it meant:

The poke is near, good thing it's not in your ear.

I was stumped, my silly friends were making no sense. As we drove back to my house I was racking my brain when all of the sudden the light bulb went on and the hallelujah music played, MY BELLY BUTTON RING! I didn't let on that I had a good idea of what the final present was, I played along.
We finally got to the house and I opened a small box. Inside was a belly button ring, I was so flippin' excited. I hugged my mom and thanked her 38 times. I loved how creative they were and was thrilled to pieces to finally be like my big sister :-)

Fast forward to now. I'm married, pregnant, and don't plan on showing off my stomach to the world anymore. It's a phase of my life that is ending and I guess that's why I'm sad, it's a symbol for me. I never was good at saying goodbye, but I am good at being emotional (I blame it on the hormones).


Kari said...

We all have those events. I think they're different for everyone. Sad that chapter is ending, but a VERY exciting one is beginning!

Marissa said...

That's so funny, I just took my belly button ring out a month ago cause I wanna get pregnant and I didn't want a giant hole in my body :) I felt the same way...

Meg said...

Hey there!

Just wanted to say hi since neither of us are on GP anymore. Can you shoot me an email?

Cami said...

Okay, so I've been out of the blog checking world for awhile. Congrats on the baby. That is so exciting. We all give up things when becoming parents, but what blessing they bring into our lives.