Thursday, April 07, 2016

Working girl

I have people who are less than thrilled with my lack of blogging lately (Hi Marna and Brian!). I've been a little preoccupied, which leads me to my very exciting news...
I've re-entered the work force.
The best part? I'm not sure I can just pick one, but my commute might top it all. I get out of bed and walk 4 steps to my desk :) I'm working from home peeps. I am doing bookkeeping for Special Occasions and although it's only been two weeks, I'm freaking loving it. It feels good to get back into reconciliations and invoices and all that fun accounting stuff. I'll be taking a course on Quickbooks which thrills me as I've wanted to learn that for some time...and I get to add payroll to my skill set. Ever since I started in accounting back in college (working for the local Credit Union) I have been interested in the payroll side of things so I'm really looking forward to that.
Special Occasions is located down in Corvallis and owned by my brother-in-law, Kyle. He's taking a big chance on me with trying to figure out this remote thing and I can't thank him enough. I've got my own laptop and I feel like a big girl :)
So, this does lead us to Penny. My last month with Penny was going to be July, as Lark will start her sabbatical and then Penny will start preschool/daycare in the fall. However, I spoke with Lark about this new job and she is so supportive and understanding. So April will be my last month watching Penny, then she will go to Nike 3 days a week and the other 2 Lark's mom will continue to watch her.
When Lark and I first talked about this big change we shed some's the end of an era! I've been watching Penny since she was 3 months old, and Reese doesn't even remember a time without Penny. So it's just emotional. But it's a good thing and I think Penny going to Nike will help transition her to preschool next year.
This month is going to be extremely tough. Brian is traveling every week, I'm still watching Penny, started my new job and still have 2 kids, a house to clean, laundry to do, food to's already wearing me out and we're only 7 days in.
Just keep telling myself it's one month, take it one day at a time.

Lark and I took the kids to Washington Park the day after I told her about my new was some good closure for both of us and the kids had a blast. How have we never been to this park, it's amazing!

Love when they get along

You try getting a pic of 4 seems impossible at times

Reese and Penny blowing wishes

Penny Jo

Love her piggy tails

She has gotten so big!

Cooper and Bria being adorable

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