Friday, April 08, 2016

Easter Part 1

Since Brian was gone Spring Break (the week before Easter weekend) the girls and I headed down on Thursday to Albany to start our Easter festivities early. 

They love Papa and Yaya's sandbox

This is hands down my new favorite outfit on her

Slightly obsessed with rompers as you can see
 Thursday we had a big plan: Papa and Yaya would have all the grandkids over for a big sleepover and the siblings and their spouses (minus Brian) would go out, yay!
Well...strep throat made it's appearance at both the Tegner and Jensen's houses (Zoey, Jaidyn, and Kailey). So we changed plans up a little and just ended up being the sisters...which is always fun too!

I'm so tall! Also...I have heels but that's just a technicality
We went for dinner and drinks and talked all night long. It was just what I needed and felt so good.

In the hot tub with Jax :)

Ames tackling Zoey

Sweet girl

 Saturday, Brian joined us and we headed to Grammy's house. The girls got spoiled by Aunt Heather with a new kitchen cooking set and they loved it.

Showing Tracy how the kindle works
 We gave the girls their Easter baskets that night since we had church early in the morning.
"Hold on Mom"

I love that MJ is in this pic too haha!

Matching PJ's!

 Clearly we had a blast all evening and the girls took awhile to wind down and go to sleep...which meant waking them up for church was fun...not.
But we eventually go them out of bed and all dressed up for church.
Grammy with her son and granddaughters

They are getting so old

The girls loved the Easter egg hunt after the service (even though it was inside, darn rain!). And they both got way too much candy, so I helped them "get rid" of it ;)

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