Sunday, June 23, 2013

Normal days

I've been posting about all our big events but we have also had lots of normal days just hanging out. 
Our favorite evenings are with our friends. The Buell boys came over to scooter and bike around.

Reese wanted to be just like Bennett

Road Rally Racers! 

During Reese's naps I've been trying to spend quality time with Bria for at least half hour before having her go and do some quiet time. She seems to be in a much better mood because of it and I am too. Sometimes we'll play Candyland or Memory, other times it's Go Fish or Fairies.
Patiently letting me take her picture
 I also enjoy watching my girls spend time together, this particular time they are watching something on the iPad:
 Oh the new generation!

We are currently attempting to get ready for our two big vacations we have planned, they are back to back so it's a little hectic. I foresee massive amounts of laundry and packing and unpacking in my future. Wish me luck!

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