Thursday, June 20, 2013

Family Island

Brian and I have Mother's Day and Father's day worked out perfectly, at least this year we did. The day before we do a big family day and then on the day the parent gets their own day to relax and do whatever. It's brilliant.
So the day before Father's day we went to Sauvie Island, it's about 1/2 hour to 40 minute drive and it is the coolest place. The beach was absolutely perfect and you park close enough to run back to the car if you need to (or to the port-a-potty for a bathroom break).

When we told Bria we were going to a place called Sauvie Island, she wanted to rename it to Family Island. When we got there she was puzzled and said, "When you said Island I thought it was going to be like a jungle." She was not disappointed at all, but I think when she heard Island she thought of Madagascar and the jungle they go through there.
Brian kept saying how perfect it was and how we need to spent every weekend there in the summer. Seriously, it was that fun.

We brought food and picnicked, swam (it was cold but that didn't stop us), played in the sand, and met new friends.

We got lucky and it was a pretty warm day out so the water felt refreshing.
Cutest crack ever

On the way home the girls fell asleep and when we got home we put Reese in her crib where she slept for another 2 1/2 hours, we wore them out!

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