Wednesday, February 20, 2013

4 years

Bria is 4 years old today.

I'm gonna skip over all the time is flying by and I can't believe she's that old ohmygosh! because that is a given.
Let's get into the happiness of this blessed day. 4 years ago we were in the hospital in love with a tiny squished newborn who immediately stole our hearts.
Now that little newborn is a little person. A little person who is sweet, spunky, smart, and beautiful. We love her so much and are so proud of the girl she is.

Bria talks like an adult sometimes, she has a way of saying things that make her sound older than her 4 years and it is hilarious. If she starts to get really cranky she will sometimes stop and say, "Mom, I'm having a hard day." That is so much easier to deal with than tantrums! Although let's be honest, she can still throw some pretty massive fits, they are fewer and far between though.

She is my tall girl, maybe not taller than her peers, but right up there with them and that makes me proud. I was always a foot shorter than my peers so I'm living vicariously through her and hopeful she will be a basketball player or something.

She has made leaps and bounds the last month in her letter recognition and writing. For awhile I was beating my head against the wall trying to teach her to recognize her letters and all the sudden it just kind of clicked for her. And all the sudden she's all about writing her name which is super exciting. I was in the kitchen the other night and she calls me over and shows me how she wrote her name all by herself so I had to take a picture of course. She calls me back over a minute later and says, "I spelled your name!" Sure enough, MOM was written on the paper. I was stoked and proud of my little lady. She teaches me that she gets things in her own time and I need not stress...which is easier said than done.

Bria's love of cereal rivals my own, she asks for it all day long. While she is pretty picky with her food, she does eat a pretty good amount and she also knows that what I make for dinner is what she gets. Although that doesn't mean she won't try and convince us to make something else, such a negotiator.

The other morning she was being quite ornery and I was not in the mood. I gave her a stern talking to and a few minutes later while I was doing her hair she apologized. And not just the, "I'm sorry," but she explained that she was sorry she was whining about getting dressed and not being a good listener. It was a proud moment for me because I didn't even prompt her, she did it on her own and knew what she did wrong. Those are the victorious moments I live for.

Bria's emotions and excitement are out of this world. She makes the best facial expressions and exclamations when something excites her or makes her happy. She does not hide a single emotion, everything is laid out there...may God watch over her future husband ;)

And now to get a little sentimental because that is just what Moms do (I get it now Mom ;)...

4 years ago today I was in a hospital room
4 years ago today I fell in love with a beautiful little girl who became my whole world
4 years ago today I saw my husband in a different light and loved the man he had become even more
4 years ago today my life began
Motherhood has been such a journey and although it's been incredibly difficult, I can't tell you how much it's all worth it. I live to make my girls happy. They are my world.
I am incredibly blessed and so grateful to God everyday that he sent Bria to us. Her passion and love are an inspiration to me. I love her so much!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to my beautiful niece Bria!! The first time I held her I was so moved; I knew that I could have a child of my own and be ok at that moment. Lu I got all teary eyed reading your post!! Such a 'mom' thing to do. :)


Anonymous said...

Being a mom is the best and hardest job ever!!!

Luv ya,

Anonymous said...

It was wonderdul to see Bria on her big day. You are both amazing parents & she is proof of that.

Brandi said...

Happy Birthday Bria!!!!