Friday, July 13, 2012

All over the place

Having two girls is pretty fun. They feed off each other, when one screams, the other screams louder. Brian loves it ;) There are times each day where they get along so well and I cherish those moments. I'm pretty sure it only gets harder to make them get along so I'm enjoying it while I can. Don't get the wrong idea, they don't always play happily together. Bria can get very annoyed with her little sister and Reese can pull Bria's hair like no other, but they still love to laugh and scream together and that makes me happy.
Well maybe the screaming isn't super cool, but I do like that they are happy.

Let's chat for a minute about Reese. She is busy. No seriously, the girl is nonstop, go go go. Bria was not like this at all. We didn't have to baby proof our house, she didn't ever crawl far enough away from us to even get into trouble.
Reese, oh she is a different story.
She is all over the place and she is fast. She heads for the stairs and climbs, stopping occasionally to chill on the edge of a stair. Don't worry, I'm right there with her to prevent her from tumbling down the stairs head first. And we now have a gate at the top of the stairs.
Since the moment Reese figured out the army crawl, she hasn't wanted to sit still. Reading to her is not exactly a Hallmark moment, she squirms and either tries to rip the pages or eat the book. She could spend all day long holding onto my fingers and walking back does not agree with this. She wants to explore everything and is such a curious little thing.

Not happy about having to sit still for 2 seconds so I can take a picture

Trying to grab the camera

However, although she may be incredibly busy at all times and rather exhausting, she is the BEST cuddler ever. She loves to give hugs and is so good at them. She will lay her head down on your shoulder and grab on tight with both arms, it's the absolute sweetest thing. I guess she gets tired from being so busy that she wants to stop and cuddle, I think I can handle that ;)

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