Saturday, July 21, 2012

10 months

 I think since Reese is 10 months old I should start thinking about her 1st birthday party. Holy cow, that gives me a little panic attack.
So what is my little peanut up to? And what are her stats? Let's take a look:

  • Weight: 16 lbs 12 oz (this was her weight at her 9 month check up, I think it's about the same)-20th percentile
  • Height: 26.5 inches 10th percentile (the doctor thinks maybe they didn't measure her accurately because it seems weird to go from the 90th percentile at her 2 month appt to the 10th, but either way she wasn't worried in the least)
  • Head-Don't remember inches, but it was in the 50th percentile
  • Clothes: 9 months
  • Shoes: Uh, maybe size 1, maybe 2?
  • Diapers: size 3

  • Crawling all over the place all the time, busy girl!
  • She pulls herself up on everything and scales furniture
  • She can stand by herself when she is in the mood and has taken 2 steps...twice!
  • Waves hi and sometimes says hi
  • Says Mom and da da and non (not sure what it means but it means something)
  • LOVES babies, whether it's a doll or a real baby, she loves them

  • Prefers me but loves her Daddy a lot and is so playful with him, she's already pegged him as the fun Daddy :)
  • Nurses 3 (occasionally 4) times a day, eats 3 meals a day, and sometimes a snack or two
  • I feed her mainly real people food and cut it up for her then she makes a huge mess getting it in her mouth, but she's getting better at getting most of it in her mouth as opposed to her high chair and the floor
  • Some of her favorites: bananas, avocados, blueberries, peaches, nectarines, watermelon, and cheerios
  • Drinks water like it's going out of style, and without fail she throws her sippy cup on the floor when she's done taking a big old swig
  • Puts everything in her mouth, she has eaten chalk twice
  • Climbs the stairs and wants to do it all day long, what really stinks is we can't put a gate at the bottom of our stairs due to the setup of it all, ideas are welcome because it's only a matter of time before she tumbles down them and lands at the bottom on hard wood, I'm terrified
  • LOVES her feet being rubbed. She has always been a stinker on the changing table, she screams and turns and contorts her body all over because she hates sitting still, but if I start rubbing her feet she gets completely still and just lays there, it's awesome
  • Is not a big fan of being in water like her sister, I think we need to do swim lessons soon to help this matter
Reese at 10 months

Bria at 10 months
Also Bria at 10 months (showing that she had more hair than her little sister does...if you would've told me that Bria had more hair than my next child would have I would not have believed you)
I do think they look a lot alike, but these pictures make me realize there are definitely differences. I don't know if it's because we have a nicer camera now but Reese's eyes are even more blue than Bria's were.
These girls sure love each other, and fight, and like each other, and scream, and are just the light of our lives.
Happy 10 months sweet Reese, we love you!

Bria is very suspicious of what is happening

Is that a fake smile or what?

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