Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmas, what?!

Reese is 3 and 3 is proving to be bratty spunky. She screams and cries and flails when she doesn't want to do something she is told. It's exhausting. She is feisty and rarely takes our discipline seriously...I blame Brian for that. Just being honest.
However, with all that spunk and personality comes a pretty hilarious little girl who makes us laugh...a lot.
And although she loves being funny most of the time, she can also be very sweet.
Cradling her baby
 She loves Bria so much and looks up to her. If we discipline Bria, Reese will come running in, "She's my bes fwend!!"
Hugs before Bria goes to school
Reese is also a massive cuddler, she always wants to be held and hugged and kissed. It's kind of nice :)
Ya know who else is a good cuddler?
Ames :)
 And also, how is Christmas 4 days away?!?!?!

1 comment:

Kris and MaLanie said...

Yay, I see my Christmas card! :) Hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas! I miss you!