Friday, October 17, 2014

Run, Bria, Run!

I remember in elementary school being so excited for our annual jog-a-thon. Well now my oldest got to experience her very own and she was pretty excited about it. The school did a great job of getting the kids motivated and making it a lot of fun. 

All pumped and ready to start
Aunt Heather is so sweet and came to support her niece, while also taking care of Reese the whole time. Reese didn't want Aunt Heather to put her down and nearly fell asleep :)

Such a cutie

Marking off another lap
The track was pretty big so I was proud that Bria never got discouraged, she kept on running.
They only have them run for about 20 minutes and they just run as many as they can in that time. I think it was a perfect amount of time for the kids as some of them looked pretty exhausted :)
Hopefully it raised a lot of money to help support the school!

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