Thursday, February 20, 2014

Come back sun

 My absolute favorite days are the days where it's sunny and we can spend a majority of our time outside. Clearly I'm living in the wrong state.
But you can bet we don't take for granted the days where we get sunshine. A few weeks ago (yep, I'm very behind) we had some gorgeous weather and it was wonderful. We were all in better moods because of it :)
Tiny toddler ponytail

 Reese has never been a fan of swings, slowly but surely she is starting to like them. Of course, I barely push her but it counts.
This girls hair is out of control thick

Growing up before my very eyes

Oh happy day!
And a very wonderful result of these outdoor adventures...
Passed out
I've been trying to have a little more structure during the day, especially the days I have little Penny Jo, it helps keep the girls behaving and me sane. It's nothing crazy, we do story time where each girl picks out a book and then I pick out one. Then we do some silly songs to help get their wiggles out and then we go to the table and they work on some preschool (toddler for Reese) workbooks. Just writing and coloring and then I try to do some sort of craft, that doesn't always happen but I try. I just like having a little schedule then it avoids some tv for the first part of the day and I save that for after nap time, because that is the time of day when we're all tired and ready for Dad to get home.
We had a crazy snow storm last week and now it's raining so I'm really missing our sunny days, fortunately Bria and I will get to see the sunshine in Arizona soon!

1 comment:

Benjamin said...

Cute Kids!