Sunday, October 13, 2013

Our week in review

The other weekend we went out to the East side of Portland to help celebrate October birthdays for some of our friends. This group of friends we met through Linus, who we know through the cheer world (seriously, cheerleading is a huge group of people and you meet all kinds of awesome people) and he coached us when we did the Blazer stunt team. Anyway, we always have a good time with this group and enjoy letting loose.

Taking selfies is not a good idea when you are in a poorly lit restaurant

Ian and them! We usually spend the whole night goofing around with them

Beth and Anita being goofs

We ate at the restaurant then went upstairs to their bar area which was really neat. Hung out there for awhile then dropped them off downtown Portland and we went home to our comfy bed :) 

We are still going strong with Pumpkin Patches, first trip for Bria was with her preschool, then we went as a family with the Buell's to another one, and last week we went for a play date with Amanda and the boys and Amanda's friend, Juelia, who just moved here from California. She has a 6 month old daughter who is scrumptious. Juelia was so incredibly sweet. She has been on my mind a lot lately, she lost her husband 5 months ago and I just can't stop thinking about her and praying for her. I want to take her in my arms and wrap her up, just hoping that I can be of comfort and help to her in some way. She really is such a nice person.
On a brighter note, we got some cute pictures of the kiddos...and when I say WE I mean Amanda. She rocks.
Oh hello cuteness! This is going in their wedding video, no pressure you two cuties!

Look at our cuties!

My piggy :)
Yesterday (trying to catch up) Brian and I each had some good one on one time with the girls. In the morning he took Reese to Costco (where his self esteem got quite the boost, he said he got hit on a LOT :) and I took Bria shopping. 

Claire's has the best glasses!

She LOVED the long white gloves

Mustache glasses=awesome

Love it
Clearly her and I had fun. She is so good and I really enjoy taking her places, she's just at an easy stage for outings and I'm grateful for that. Of course, when you put Reese in the mix then the whole sibling thing throws off the balance and they both act out and then I want to pull my hair out. So yeah, this one on one time is awesome.
After our fun morning I went to get pedicures with Tiffanie and Randi, Tiff turned 30!
Me, Tiff, and Randi
We had fun catching up on our lives and chatting about our girls (Tiff just had her second girl in September!). Amanda was missed greatly, she had to work and then headed to a wedding. 

Today we are going to yet another pumpkin patch, wahoo!! So if you are tired of pumpkin pictures...maybe don't check the blog ;)

1 comment:

Brandi said...

FYI- I totally still read your blog! I haven't done ours in a while, but may start up again. Hope y'all are well!!