Tuesday, September 11, 2012

It's here!

 The first day of preschool arrived! You think I would've had her outfit all picked out but I haven't had a chance to get her school clothes so I had to try and piece it together this morning.
Little did I know her pants were too big, and hadn't been washed.

She said they were itchy and wanted to take them off.
So I had to find another outfit. Which was fine, cuz I wanted her to wear her Toms anyway :)

Trying not to smile or look at the camera 

They gave them these toes to bring to school and we got to decorate them :)
I was lucky enough to be teacher helper today, each parent rotates and takes turns so I will be doing it once a month or so. I really enjoyed being in there, it was fun to see how her day will be and their routine. Her teacher is wonderful and I enjoy how fun she is but also makes sure the kids pay attention.
Bria had a lot of fun and was pretty good at paying attention. I think she was hoping to play outside more since they have fun outdoor stuff. I'm excited to see how she learns each day.


Kelly said...

We do the same at Natalie's school, and we have an amazing teacher, too. I love her school. They're growing up!

Kris and MaLanie said...

Look how big she is!! I'm glad she is enjoying it. She is such a pretty girl.