Friday, August 31, 2012


We have done so many things I want to blog about but everytime I sit down to blog I get overwhelmed and start surfing the internet for clothes. Brian is less than thrilled. 
First things first, Bria starts preschool in less than 2 weeks. We had a home visit from her teacher and she was so nice, we all really liked her and think this will be a good fit. It's twice a week for 2 1/2 hours so it's a good way to introduce her to being away from home, although I'm not too worried. I think she will do really well for the most part, I hope anyway!

Lip gloss expert

"Zen I pucker, like dis!"
Bria is obsessed with the color pink. I did not push this on her, she just decided it's the best thing ever. When we go to the library she picks out books based on the amount of pink they have on the cover. I haven't taught her the phrase, "Don't judge a book by it's cover, " yet.
A ballet move I am not familiar with, but it's cute all the same
Bria has decided waking up early and coming in our room to "sleep" is a good idea. If she actually cuddled and slept it would be adorable. But she doesn't. She moves all over and then the second she sees you barely crack your eye open she yells, "Good morning!" in the cutest voice ever that you can't help but smile and then she knows you can't tell her to go back to bed. Darn her cuteness.
Oh yes the twirls!

This is called, I am adorable and perfect and sweet...most the time ;)
Reese usually wakes up around the same time (one of them is waking the other up, I don't know who it is yet) so I bring her in our bed and nurse her then we all have a big party in our bed where Brian and I try to wake up enough to actually get out and start the day. Both of us are praying the other gets up first and takes care of the kids so the other can sleep. On the weekends that works but during the week we both have to get up anyway. But I like when Brian gets up first because he always makes my coffee for me and it tastes better when he makes it.

I'm in shock that Reese isn't walking yet. I thought for sure she would be walking before her first birthday, and I guess there is still time. But she gets all loosey goosey when you try to let go of her hands and have her walk by herself. I think she knows what we want her to do so she is making sure to do the exact opposite.

Brian and I have been slacking about going out on date nights so the other week we did a group date with our friends and it was so much fun. We went to a movie at Cinetopia which is the most fabulous way to watch a movie in the theatre. Big overstuffed chairs with ottomans and even a waiter. I had a beer and cookie while watching the movie, fabulous!
Me and my friends

Chatting before the movie started
I swear our husbands were there, it's just hard to get a picture of all of us. Alright, I'm gonna go work on some more blog posts about our fun times at the beach!

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