Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thank heaven for big sisters!

Reese is obsessed with Bria. She loves her, Bria can do no wrong in her eyes. Even when we think Bria is being too rough with Reese rolling her across the room, Reese is giggling and laughing. It's actually super sweet and it warms my heart.
Bria loves to help (most the time, she's 3 so ya know) and wants to feed her. The funny thing is that lately when I feed Reese baby food I get about 5 bites in and then she starts screaming bloody murder. I have no idea why. Anyway, I let Bria take over and Reese is all happy. Gotta love dramatic girls, Brian has his hands full.

It terms of food, I've been trying to do things a little different this time around. Less baby food and more real people food. Reese loves feeding herself. I wish I could say I loved it too, but it's SUPER messy. I wish they had disposable covers for high chairs because the food ends up in every crevice of her little chair and it takes me forever to clean it. However, her excitement is worth it. She LOVES avocados:

And on a different note, if you could say a prayer for little Bria. She is having surgery tomorrow morning, it's a very minor surgery on a skin tag that needs to be removed, but she still has to go under and that is scary. We are praying all goes well and it's quick and painless. 

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Poor Bria! I'll definitely be thinking about her tomorrow. And the whole big sister feeding little sister thing is ADORABLE. Bria is such a good big sister!