Friday, February 24, 2012

It keeps on going

Bria woke up on her birthday and came downstairs to balloons in the playroom. She was absolutely thrilled!
It's nice that something so simple and easy meant so much to her, I think this will be a birthday tradition.
She even let Reese get in on the action.

For lunch on her birthday we went to Red Robin because I knew she would be thrilled when they sang to her. She tried to sing along and then made sure to tell them Good job when they were done.

Congratulating the staff on a job well done ;)
Enjoying her free sundae!

And everyday since her birthday we have played with the balloons in some manner, this day it was in her princess castle:

And yesterday it was in her little fort under the stairs. Like I said, it's nice to know something so simple can be so much fun!
While Bria has been celebrating her birthday for like a week straight, Reese also turned 5 months old which meant we could try baby food. So I've tried baby food with Reese for the last couple days, she is not a fan. It's so foreign to me because Bria took to it right away, like she had been doing it her whole life. I'm not really sure how to get a baby to eat. I think we'll take a little break and try again in a week or so :)


Anonymous said...

I am the mother of 3. My first two boys ate baby food like champs, then became the WORLDS PICKIEST eaters... then I had my third, a girl.... she didn't like baby food, so I also decided to wait a week or two then try again. Well we went on and off for a month. She had to go in for a check up at 7 months, the pedi said maybe she doesn't like it, you can try to give her "real" food. So (in my best effort and dreams) I cut up bites of what I was eating... SHE LOVED it!!!! She is now 18 months and will eat ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! Just a thought!!! (obviously we didn't do any "allergy" foods- nuts, eggs....) Best of luck and we LOVE the balloons on bday too! We also decorate the door with crepe paper... SO fun and my oldest (4) asked for it for the last round of bdays for himself and siblings! He even insisted that we decorate the door for Daddy's bday. Love it!

Lulu said...

I LOVE hearing that she eats everything, that gives me so much hope! Did she have teeth at 7 months? I would love to wait a few months and just start giving her real food but I wasn't sure if she needed a few teeth first.
So cute that your oldest wants to decorate for everybody's birthday, how sweet!

Anonymous said...

Hello- She didn't have any teeth until 11 months! My kids teeth LATE! She just gummed everything. Obviously I cut it up really small. I was SO HAPPY I did it that way, and wish I did it with the boys too. Who knows if that helped in her eating habits, but in my mind it made her a better eater and happy to try different foods. I also have to tell you that I stole your idea for small amounts of food that you did for Bria, and it is working for my oldest, but my 2 year old will out stubborn ANYONE!!!!! In the past he has gone a few days on just a few nibbles of each meal and he sat at the table for 2 hours with my husband for 3 days in a row at dinner with the small portions. THen he got hit with the flu bug that is going around our area.... we shall see when he feels better..

Hope Reese eats like a champ for you! Best of luck. And I wouldn't wait for teeth!