Monday, October 17, 2011

Hold me

If Reese could talk she would say, "Hold me. All.The.Time."
This little girl wants to be held and cuddled all day and most of me loves it and thinks it's sweet. The other part of me would like to shower and maybe get dressed. Also, I'd like Dora to stop having to babysitting my toddler ;)

The good news is that for the most part Reese can be calmed down by being held which is nice. At night Brian and I take turns rocking her and although I'd love to get more sleep, it's relaxing to rock her.
For about a week she was doing one long sleep stretch between 9 pm to 1 am ish and it was fabulous. Now she's back eating every 2 1/2 to 3 hours. I guess she's trying to get chubby :)
She is really a sweet baby and I'm so over the moon about her. I currently have a stupid cold and it's soooo hard not to kiss her adorable cheeks.
And this little cutie is such a big help.
She is starting to be a little crankier and by that I mean she is copping an attitude, but there's a big change in our house so that is understandable.
She does enjoy bringing me things like the boppy or burp rags and likes reading to Reese, it's so nice to have a helper around.

I did venture out with both girls last week all by myself. I went to a playgroup with the moms club I'm in, it was at this coffee shop/indoor kids place and it went well. Reese slept in the ergo almost the whole time and Bria played nicely. Things got a little dicey when I was nursing Reese and Bria said she needed to go potty. I somehow managed to sit in a chair they had in the restroom and lift Bria up on the toilet while still feeding Reese. It didn't really go over that well since Bria has developed a fear of public restrooms, but the end result was potty in the toilet so I guess it was a success. But I do hope to never do that again.

This week was suppose to be a busy week but since I'm sick I've cancelled a few of our plans which makes me so sad. Especially since it's suppose to be sunny for the next 3 days, grrr. Leave it to me to be sick during our beautiful fall weather.


Brandi said...

That first picture almost made me wet my pants. Why are screaming babies so darn cute?

Anonymous said...

Adorable girls!!!

best pre workout supplement 2012 said...

So cute, you have such an adorable girls..